The Arts

Co-curricular opportunities for students exist across all disciplines of the Arts and the following information is a guide to what is available. 


At St Ursula’s College, dance is a cherished subject, and our state-of-the-art dance rooms are second to none. Under the expert guidance of our Head of Faculty, Ms. Lydia Pickard, our students thrive in an inclusive and creative environment where their talents truly shine. We provide competition teams for both Junior and Senior levels, participating in local eisteddfods and competing interstate for our Senior Troupe.

Junior Dance Troupe – a non-auditioned troupe open to all students in Years 7-9 working with the present Year 12 Dance Captain. This troupe focuses upon expanding students’ enjoyment and knowledge of dance across a variety of genres. Performance opportunities include school, local community and eisteddfods. Rehearsals for the Junior Dance Troupe take place before school, once a week.  

Senior Dance Troupe – An auditioned troupe open to all students in Year 10 - 12. On a musical off-year, the troupe has a contemporary focus with regional, state and national performance opportunities and eisteddfods. For a musical year, this troupe features in the College musical. Rehearsals take place before school throughout the week.  



DoTh (Drama on Thursday) is a non-auditioned group where all students in Year 7-12 are welcome to participate in drama activities, games and skill building. This group meets on Thursday afternoons and is a Year 12 Drama Captain initiative. In addition to DoTh, the College also offers the Junior Play (Year 7-10) and Senior Play (Year 10-12). These events typically occur in the musical off-year.  

Media Arts  

Opportunities exist for students in Yeasr 7 - 12 to enter photopgrahs and short films local, state and national competitions and events throughout the year. A.M. Productions (AMP) is a safe space for everyone to enjoy all aspects of film. Led by the Senior Media team, students interested in watching, making, editing, writing, performing, creating and discussing film are invited to participate in A.M. Productions.   

Visual Art - NEW FOR 2025 – CLAY CLUB

We're excited to announce Clay Club will be starting on Mondays from 3:15pm – 4:30pm with our guest ceramicist, Jane Orme, who will be running our Clay Club. Jane is passionate about making bespoke functional work that shows the maker’s hand and holds story. The ability for a vessel to hold underpins all of Jane’s practice—hold tea, hold space, hold hope. She believes that making art and working with clay is healing and aims to share this with others through her practice. Jane’s current work references personal and universal stories such as that of the current state of woman’s health, connecting the maker and viewer to create dialogue and enact change. She is passionate about the ceramic community and contributes through her podcast with Aurora Elwell, Birds of Clay, and her new position as one of the assistant editors for The Journal of Australian Ceramics. We are so excited to have Jane as our guest artist for 2025.


College Play: Junior and Senior

Every two years, the College hosts a play for both Junior and Senior students, with the next performance scheduled for 2025, alternating with our school musicals. The Junior Play is directed by Senior Students under the guidance of our Head of Faculty. These plays provide a wonderful opportunity for students to express themselves on stage in a supportive environment and to showcase their hard work to a broader audience. The 2025 Junior Play will be an adaptation of "The Wizard of Oz" playwright.


College Musical

Every two years, the College presents a musical, with the next one scheduled for 2026. This year, we had a fantastic time showcasing High School Musical at the magnificent Empire Theatre in June. With nearly 130 students involved both on and off stage, it was a magical production brought to life through the collaboration of students and staff.

Images from our 2024 Musical, High School Musical